Professionally Licensed Property Management
Services for Homeowners
Provide Landlords with access to the widest number of potential Tenants by way of our team of Professionally Licensed Agents who are active full time with Whistler Property Services (WPS). With our large pool of historic tenants, WPS does often place past historic tenants into alternative rental properties. Additionally, 1st time Tenants placed with us, these new Tenants are attracted through variety of sources including Newspaper Ads, Realtor & local referrals, Website Advertising [whistlerproperty.com, craigslist, piquenewsmagazine.com, etc.], and WPS’s strong presence in the Whistler, Pemberton & Squamish rental management profession. Our team of Whistler based Rental Agents have over 50 years experience as Licensed Rental Agents [Licensed through the Real Estate Council of BC];
WPS includes as part of its services, Property Management services at no additional fee. Should, during the rental management of the property, work be required such as replacement of a hot water tank, or appliance, or a roof leak, WPS will coordinate service work and the necessary purchase of required new items at no mark-up to the Property Owner;
WPS will assist Property Owners in preparing the property for rental. Our objective is to insure the rental property is exceptionally clean and well prepared & staged for showings & Tenant move-in. Tenants are obligated to return the property at the end of a tenancy in a
similar cleaned condition. To assist in getting Tenants to return clean properties to us at end of tenancy, it is necessary that we insure the property is exceptionally clean at the commencement of the tenancy. Move-in & move-out conditions are generally evidenced by digital photos taken by WPS Rental Agents which supplement the Condition Inspection Reports; -
Take exterior & interior digital photos for advertising and emailing to prospective Tenants;
Advertise in through Newspaper Ads & Website Postings on www.whistlerforrest.com and the WPS website www.whistlerproperty.com, as well as other websites such as craigslist & piquenewsmagazine.com;
Respond to phone calls and emails, and show property to prospective Tenants;
Provide good prospective tenants with Application for Tenancy forms for completion and submission;
Reference & Credit Checks [costs paid by WPS] to assess the quality and worthiness of the Tenant applicants;
Draft and execute the Residential Tenancy Agreement between Tenant and Landlord;
Take digital photos of property condition & contents at time of Tenant move-in, & again at the end of the tenancy at move-out inspection;
Obtain the Strata's Bylaws and Rules & Regulations [where the property is within a Strata Plan] for placement in the property and have the Tenants sign a Form K – Tenant’s Undertaking which acknowledges receipt of these documents by the Tenant and legally obligates the tenants to adhere to them [and be responsible for costs and/or penalties should they not adhere to them];
Collect from Tenants their payment of Rents, Security Deposits and other Landlord charges through the tenancy. Tenants are offered the opportunity to pay rents by a variety of convenient means, including cheque, e-payment transfers, and, in 2012 plans are to offer pre-authorized payment option to Tenants for the withdrawal of rents from the Tenant’s bank account each month;
The WPS Accounting Department is managed by Mike Blumes, Certified Professional Accountant [CPA]. All rents & security deposits are deposited & processed through Real Estate Trust Accounts at the Whistler Branch 08500 of RBC Royal Bank of Canada, in accordance with the Real Estate Services Act of British Columbia guidelines;
Landlords are paid their net revenues by the 15th day of each month. Property owners may have their monthly net revenue deposited directly into their bank account (our direct deposit service can deposit funds into most Canadian Banks and Credit Unions). Alternatively, cheques can be mailed if preferred;
24 hour Emergency Response service to the property and Tenants. In addition to responding to and assisting with emergencies, WPS will assist Property Owners at no additional fee with recommending and coordinating service & repair trades, when required;
Respond and resolve concerns & complaints received from the Tenant and others that may contact us regarding the property or Tenant;
Negotiate and coordinate execution of Tenancy Agreements and Tenancy Renewals between Tenants & Landlords;
Move-Out Inspections at the end of tenancies and negotiate between the Landlord & Tenant a mutually agreed upon reconciling of Security Deposit funds and any amounts payable to the Landlord. Negotiate a resolution of any disputes that may arise between the Tenant & the Landlord with relation to the tenancy;
Provide agent representation services to the Landlord, at no additional fee to Property Owner, should it be necessary to proceed to arbitration to resolve any dispute between Tenant & Landlord. This includes WPS attendance at arbitration conference hearings scheduled to resolve disputes whether initiated by the Landlord or Tenant.
Services for Tenants
To ensure our tenants have a good experience we:
Ensure properties meet our standards of cleanliness before they are rented
Provide reasonably priced accommodation
Respond quickly to any problems or repairs that are needed
Provide a local contact to call
Provide 1 stop-shopping for rental units & no need to call hundreds of people. One application means you can access all of our inventory
Purchasing a Home in Whistler
Often our clients decide that they would prefer to purchase a home in Whistler rather than renting long-term. If you are considering purchasing, call to see the complete inventory of homes for sale in the Whistler area, regardless of the listing agency. Forrest is a qualified Real Estate Broker registered with the Real Estate Council of BC.
Rental Application
Applications for Tenancy forms are provided to prospective tenants by our leasing agents, generally following property viewings. Once an application is submitted to us by a perspective tenant(s) our practice is to reference check and screen the applicant(s) and work with the landlord to decide whether to approve the application. After an Application for Tenancy is approved the next step is to execute a Residential Tenancy Agreement and secure the property for the tenant(s).